80 Granite Avenue, #F
Staten Island, NY 10303 / Mariners Harbor

MLS ID# 2403818 Active


1800 Acreage
23x80 Lot Size

Details for 80 Granite Avenue, #F, Staten Island NY 10303

Great warehouse space. 1800 + SF in M3-1 zoning. This space is in move in condition and is renovated into a front waiting area, a conference room, a private office and storage area with a drive-in overhead door and a loading dock. The space has 20 FT ceilings, a drive up parking spot and is available starting June 1st.

Features and Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Type Industrial
  • Area/Neighborhood Mariners Harbor
  • County Richmond
  • Lot Dimensions 23x80
  • Lot Size 1800 SqFt
  • MLS ID# 2403818

Building Avail Sqft
Avail SqFt: 0
Avail SqFt: 1800, Ceiling Height: 22.00
Avail SqFt: 0
Office/Warehouse, Warehouse
Gas, Forced Air
Private, Street

Parcel Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Land Use Category Industrial & Manufacturing
  • BBL # 5011570031
  • Parcel # 01157-0031
  • County Richmond
  • Borough Staten Island
  • Borough Code 5
  • Total Building Source Code Department of Finance's RPAD File
  • Number of Buildings 1
  • Residential Units 0
  • Lot Frontage 250
  • Lot Depth 205
  • Building Frontage -
  • Building Depth -
  • Land Assessed Value 335250
  • Total Assessed Value 1816200
  • Year Altered 1 2009
  • Historic District Name -
  • Landmark Name -
  • Acreage 1800 SqFt
  • Tax Block 1157
  • Tax Lot 31
  • Zoning District 1 M3-1
  • Zoning, All Components 1 M3-1
  • Building Class E9
  • Number of Easements 0
  • Type of Ownership (code) -
  • Total Building Floor Area 42546
  • Commercial Floor Area 42546
  • Residential Floor Area 0
  • Office Floor Area 0
  • Retail Floor Area 0
  • Garage Floor Area 12168
  • Storage Floor Area 0
  • Factory Floor Area 30378
  • Other Floor Area 0
This listing was last updated on 7/5/2024 8:23:36 AM.