490 Bay Street
Staten Island, NY 10304 / Stapleton

MLS ID# 2402619 Active


6547 Acreage
71x81.25 Lot Size

Details for 490 Bay Street, Staten Island NY 10304

This premier retail space, prominently located on Bay Street, guarantees maximum visibility in a high-traffic area bustling with pedestrians and vehicles, making it an ideal location to capture the attention of passersby. Directly opposite a brand-new 270-unit mixed-use development, this vibrant hub not only offers exposure but also a promising customer base right at your doorstep, including local residents and professionals seeking a high-quality urban lifestyle. Additionally, nestled at the rear of the property is a unique outdoor seating area--an urban oasis. This connected yard provides a private, tranquil space for dining, offering guests a peaceful retreat in the heart of the city's dynamic atmosphere.

Features and Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Type Commercial
  • Area/Neighborhood Stapleton
  • County Richmond
  • Lot Dimensions 71x81.25
  • Lot Size 6547 SqFt
  • MLS ID# 2402619

Building Avail Sqft
Avail SqFt: 3026
Avail SqFt: 0
Avail SqFt: 3026
Expenses Inclkude
Insurance, Taxes, Utilities
Restaurant, Retail
Gas, Other
Use Restrictions

Parcel Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Land Use Category Mixed Residential & Commercial Buildings
  • BBL # 5005100001
  • Parcel # 00510-0001
  • County Richmond
  • Borough Staten Island
  • Borough Code 5
  • Total Building Source Code Department of Finance's RPAD File
  • Number of Buildings 4
  • Residential Units 4
  • Lot Frontage 71
  • Lot Depth 81.25
  • Building Frontage -
  • Building Depth -
  • Land Assessed Value 92700
  • Total Assessed Value 246600
  • Year Altered 1 2009
  • Historic District Name -
  • Landmark Name -
  • Acreage 6547 SqFt
  • Tax Block 510
  • Tax Lot 1
  • Zoning District 1 M1-1
  • Zoning, All Components 1 M1-1
  • Building Class K4
  • Number of Easements 0
  • Type of Ownership (code) Private
  • Total Building Floor Area 10012
  • Commercial Floor Area 5157
  • Residential Floor Area 4855
  • Office Floor Area 0
  • Retail Floor Area 5157
  • Garage Floor Area 0
  • Storage Floor Area 0
  • Factory Floor Area 0
  • Other Floor Area 0
This listing was last updated on 5/9/2024 3:27:18 PM.