278 New Dorp Lane, #2nd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10306 / New Dorp

MLS ID# 2403627 Active


2600 Acreage
40X65 Lot Size

Details for 278 New Dorp Lane, #2nd Floor, Staten Island NY 10306

Amazing opportunity in prime commercial strip in New Dorp. 2600 s.f. office/commercial space currently set up with a reception/waiting room, large conference room, 8 private offices, open bullpen area, 2 bathrooms, tons of storage closets, glass partitions throughout, super modern look, bright and airy. High exposure and heavy vehicular traffic. Signage from first and second floors. Extra wide walk up to second floor. Attractive lease terms.

Features and Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Type Commercial
  • Area/Neighborhood New Dorp
  • County Richmond
  • Lot Dimensions 40X65
  • Lot Size 2600 SqFt
  • MLS ID# 2403627

Building Avail Sqft
Avail SqFt: 2600
Avail SqFt: 0
Avail SqFt: 2600
Office, Retail, Other
Gas, Forced Air

Parcel Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Land Use Category Commercial & Office Buildings
  • BBL # 5042190049
  • Parcel # 04219-0049
  • County Richmond
  • Borough Staten Island
  • Borough Code 5
  • Total Building Source Code Department of Finance's RPAD File
  • Number of Buildings 1
  • Residential Units 0
  • Lot Frontage 60
  • Lot Depth 100
  • Building Frontage -
  • Building Depth -
  • Land Assessed Value 98100
  • Total Assessed Value 355500
  • Year Altered 1 0
  • Historic District Name -
  • Landmark Name -
  • Acreage 2600 SqFt
  • Tax Block 4219
  • Tax Lot 49
  • Zoning District 1 R3-2
  • Zoning, All Components 1 C2-2/R3-2
  • Building Class K2
  • Number of Easements 0
  • Type of Ownership (code) -
  • Total Building Floor Area 6560
  • Commercial Floor Area 6560
  • Residential Floor Area 0
  • Office Floor Area 2060
  • Retail Floor Area 4500
  • Garage Floor Area 0
  • Storage Floor Area 0
  • Factory Floor Area 0
  • Other Floor Area 0
This listing was last updated on 6/26/2024 12:31:42 PM.