3891 Amboy Road
Staten Island, NY 10308 / Great Kills

MLS ID# 2403798 Active


6578 Acreage
54 x 143 Lot Size

Details for 3891 Amboy Road, Staten Island NY 10308

Looking for the perfect location for your professional office? Look no further than this exceptional property in the heart of Great Kills. Offering endless possibilities, this versatile building can serve as a charming 3-bedroom home, a sleek office for any growing professional, or a combination of both.Situated on highly visible Amboy Road, known for its heavy traffic, this property boasts old-world charm with original hardwood floors, stained glass, and intricate woodwork with inlays. The slate entranceway welcomes you into a space that is both inviting and professional.Features include:A private screened room for relaxationParking for 5+ carsA detached 2-car pass-through garageA spacious property size of 53 x 143 feetWhether you're looking to establish your office or create a unique living space, this property in Great Kills offers the perfect blend of charm, visibility, and functionality.

Features and Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Type Commercial
  • Area/Neighborhood Great Kills
  • County Richmond
  • Lot Dimensions 54 x 143
  • Lot Size 6578 SqFt
  • MLS ID# 2403798

Building Avail Sqft
Avail SqFt: 2256
Avail SqFt: 2256
Avail SqFt: 2256
Gross: 0.00, Net: 0.00
Total Expenses
Medical/Dental, Other, Office/Warehouse, Office, Mixed Use
Gas, Hot Water

Parcel Details

  • Category Commercial
  • Land Use Category One & Two Family Buildings
  • BBL # 5046240360
  • Parcel # 04624-0360
  • County Richmond
  • Borough Staten Island
  • Borough Code 5
  • Total Building Source Code Department of Finance's RPAD File
  • Number of Buildings 2
  • Residential Units 1
  • Lot Frontage 54
  • Lot Depth 143
  • Building Frontage -
  • Building Depth -
  • Land Assessed Value 10948
  • Total Assessed Value 32690
  • Year Altered 1 0
  • Historic District Name -
  • Landmark Name -
  • Acreage 6578 SqFt
  • Tax Block 4624
  • Tax Lot 360
  • Zoning District 1 C4-1
  • Zoning, All Components 1 C4-1/SRD
  • Building Class A1
  • Number of Easements 0
  • Type of Ownership (code) -
  • Total Building Floor Area 2256
  • Commercial Floor Area 0
  • Residential Floor Area 2256
  • Office Floor Area 0
  • Retail Floor Area 0
  • Garage Floor Area 0
  • Storage Floor Area 0
  • Factory Floor Area 0
  • Other Floor Area 0
This listing was last updated on 7/23/2024 11:57:33 AM.